
Last activity 2Β minutes ago
Joined on Aug 17, 2024
Ongoing games 2
Finished games 43
Won games 8
Win rate 18.6 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Open Win or Die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 2/4 Spectate
Ongoing You're in my seat 2 (Classic+ random start positions) 6 Spectate
live now 7/8 Spectate
Win or die - restart 6 Spectate
Ongoing You're in my seat: Classic+ random start positions 6 Spectate
Win or die - restart 6 Spectate
live now 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G4 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G2 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G4 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G2 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G5 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G3 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G6 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G2 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G6 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G3 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G6 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G2 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G10 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G3 4 Spectate
starting 8:30 westeros time, all voteable 6 Spectate
live thursday 17.00 server time... all votable 6/8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 74- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 73- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Classic - Live - Monday 17:00 Server Time 5/6 Spectate
Crows DRAFT 4 Spectate
live saturday around 17.00 utc ... all votable 7/8 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 6 Spectate
Win Or Die - Live game 4/6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... all votable 5/6 Spectate
FfC 4 Spectate
today mother of dragon 3/8 Spectate
hakounamatata1 6 Spectate
15:15 server time 6-8 All votable 7/8 Spectate
Live+draft+IB 5/6 Spectate
rematch live 5/6 Spectate
dragon draft westeros time 8:00 4 Spectate
6p thematic draft 6 Spectate
Draft + Tides 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 22 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 20 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 19 7/8 Spectate
Game of Thrones 7/8 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
Win or die - Live game 4 Spectate
Win or Die -Live game 5/6 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
crows draft live 4 Spectate
Draft or Track 5/6 Spectate
winter is coming 6 Spectate
6p draft no dragons 5/6 Spectate
Fandom without Thom😱 booo Tyrell 8 Spectate