
Last activity 5 hours ago
Joined on Oct 31, 2022
Ongoing games 4
Finished games 75
Won games 25
Win rate 33.3 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Ongoing Classy 6 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 91- Fast MoD, ART<2, LIMITED DRAFT 8 Spectate
Ongoing fast MoD 2 8 Spectate
Classic 6 p 6 Spectate
Standard six player 6 Spectate
Ongoing 8p random 8 Spectate
4p crows aDwD 4 Spectate
4p crows +aDwD 4 Spectate
Seven hells 8 Spectate
4p crows 4 Spectate
Mother of dragons Balanced 7/8 Spectate
Crows and Dragons 7/8 Spectate
Six player base game 6 Spectate
4 players 4 Spectate
MoD 8 Spectate
FfC 4 Spectate
Moonstone 6/8 Spectate
Mother of Dragons - Fast players only - 2 7/8 Spectate
Clasica de verdad 6 Spectate
Classic 6 Spectate
Feast 4 Spectate
Fog of WAR 5/6 Spectate
>> A Feast for Crows << 4 Spectate
Shaken Spears & Splintered Shields 8 Spectate
Open Game #14: Random Extended Classic 6 Spectate
Mother of dragons. Random houses. Stable moves 8 Spectate
Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds 4 Spectate
Open game: 8P MOD, Random Houses 8 Spectate
Draft addicts (4) + fast players (no PMs), MOD 6/8 Spectate
Feast for crows 4 Spectate
Feast for Crows 4 Spectate
8 DRAFT (fast and exp people) 8 Spectate
7player game every person welcome! 7 Spectate
Feast for Crows 4 Spectate
Mother of Dragons 8 Spectate
O come, all ye hateful 7/8 Spectate
Mother of Dragons With ADWD cards 6/8 Spectate
Open Game #12: MOD, faceless, fog of war! 8 Spectate
Open game, 8 players, random houses, faceless. Everybody welcome (please, active!) 8 Spectate
Let's feast ! 4 Spectate
Base game, random houses. Everybody welcome! 6 Spectate
Crows Draft 4 Spectate
MoD house choose 7/8 Spectate
limited draft 8 Spectate
Vanilla game 6 Spectate
Mother of Dragons Ballanced 7/8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 19 - Fast MoD, ART<2 8 Spectate
pp 6 Spectate
MoD, draft, faceless, random houses, no tides 8 Spectate
123321456 8 Spectate
Open Game 6 Spectate
ffc 4 Spectate
Burn Westeros, burn them all 8 Spectate
Hungry 4 Spectate
A feast with foes 4 Spectate
Feast on this 4 Spectate
Classic 6 6 Spectate
FAST CLASSIC 6 houses (draft only if everyone agrees) 6 Spectate
Classic Westeros fray | no mods | 24 h for turn 6 Spectate
Faceless Draft 6 Spectate
Draft a 5 con Rivers 5/6 Spectate
SuperDraft Fast Tactic people 3 (restart) 8 Spectate
8 Spectate
Standard 7 7 Spectate
Standard 8 7/8 Spectate
Trial 8 Spectate
MOD Dance Cards 3 6/8 Spectate
PANA 4 Spectate
Feast for Newbies 4 Spectate
Festín con elección de casas 4 Spectate
Cuervos a 4 4 Spectate
Festín de Cuervos 4 Spectate
Clásica a 6 jugadores 6 Spectate
Madre de Dragones revancha 8 Spectate
Arde Poniente 8 Spectate
Juego de Rápidos A 8 Spectate
Nups 8 Spectate
Clásica a 6 jugadores 6 Spectate
Madre de Dragones 8 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
No draft :( 6 Spectate
Juego de rápidos 8 Spectate
Joc de Trons 6/7 Spectate