
Last activity 11 hours ago
Joined on Feb 28, 2023
Ongoing games 1
Finished games 28
Won games 4
Win rate 14.3 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Ongoing Small Mouths 18: A Storm of Gingivitis 8 Spectate
Baked Brotato 22 - 2001: A Spud Odyssey 8 Spectate
Small Mouths 17: Kevan's last game in Indiana 8 Spectate
Baked Brotato 21 - Spud Wars: A Phantom Tater 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 20: The Sorcerer’s Spud 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 19: Spudshank Redemption 6 Spectate
BROSvsHOOES 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 18: Attack on Potitan 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 15.1: Susan screwed up the game options 7 Spectate
Baked Brotato 17: We're Done Waiting for Winter 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 14: Big Lies come from Little Holes 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 16: Little Home Fries on the Prairie 6/7 Spectate
Small Moufs 13: Walder Frey's Crusty Lips 7 Spectate
Small Mouths 12: 2 small for 2 big 1's 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 15: There Will be Spuds 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 10: Open Wide, here comes the choo choo train 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 14: Silence of the Yams 6 Spectate
Smol Mowths 10: Oops All Tongue 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 13: The Trial of Ned Starch 6 Spectate
Baked Brotato 12: 2 French 2 Fry 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 9: you turn my 6's 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 8: Big lips, tight grips 6 Spectate
Smul Mofs 7: what dat tongue do? 6 Spectate
Small Moths 6: What's Dean got to do with it 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 5: That's as big as you can make it? 6 Spectate
Small Mouths 4: all teeth, no lips 6 Spectate
Smol Maufs 3: Let's all gang up on GJ 6 Spectate
Smol Mouths 2: I took too big of a bite 6 Spectate
Small Mouths, Big Dreams 6 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
Small Mouths 15: This game is trash and we eat garbage 7/8 Spectate