
Last activity 11Β minutes ago
Joined on Mar 16, 2024
Ongoing games 6
Finished games 105
Won games 31
Win rate 29.5 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 88- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 87- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 86- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 83- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Ongoing 6p random 6 Spectate
live thursday 18.00 westeros time.... all votable 6 Spectate
4 Player Live Game 4 Spectate
live saturday 18.00 server time...... all votable 5/6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G1 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G1 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G5 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G3 4 Spectate
Ongoing Battle of Kingsbridge 8 Spectate
4p now 4 Spectate
17:30 today 5/6 Spectate
Start 17:30. Westerosi time (UTC). Join US 5/6 Spectate
Live now 6 Spectate
live friday 18.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G4 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G2 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G6 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G4 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G7 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G1 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G8 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G5 4 Spectate
18 server time 3/6 Spectate
live thursday 18.00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
IB, dragons, cards evolution 6 Spectate
live friday 17.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
live random draft 5/6 Spectate
friday game 6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
live random draft 3/4 Spectate
Six player 6 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 5/6 Spectate
live tuesday 16-17.00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 77- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start at 18,00 utc 5/6 Spectate
live game 4 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 76- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 74- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Small soldiers no tides practice 3 Spectate
live thursday 17.00westerosi time... all votable 5/6 Spectate
3p ToB 3 Spectate
MoD normal 8 Spectate
Shadows Over Westeros 7/8 Spectate
Draft life LIVE 3/6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... all votable 5/6 Spectate
live now 4 Spectate
live thursday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
6p max 24h thematic draft 6 Spectate
6p thematic draft 6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 westerosi time... all votable 8 Spectate
Live 4 Spectate
Classic 6P, Random Houses, DragΓ³n War 3/4 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 westerosi time... all votable 5/8 Spectate
6p dragon draft 4 Spectate
Random draft dragon mood 4/6 Spectate
Live game - server time 17:15 4/8 Spectate
Live game 3/4 Spectate
live now 6 Spectate
live now 5/6 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 4 Spectate
Live Sunday 17.00 westerosi time.... All votable 8 Spectate
draft with dragons start 5/7 Spectate
Game 7 Spectate
Live thursday 16-17 server tΓ­me, All votable, dragons welcome 5/6 Spectate
4p classic plus dragons 4 Spectate
Wazza's Dragon Mode 6p Draft 6 Spectate
Neds Head (3p/draft/tides) 4 Spectate
Quick draft game 4/6 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time 6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... draft, faceless, pm votable 5/8 Spectate
live random draft 5/6 Spectate
hakounamatata1 6 Spectate
Live4or6draft on 6 Spectate
Classic 6 Spectate
Let's play! randon draft or full draft on vote 6 Spectate
MOD + TIDES 8 Spectate
14.30 server time 6p or 8p classic game 6 Spectate
WinOrDie 4/6 Spectate
classic training 5/6 Spectate
6 player live 6 Spectate
Live game freak 4 Spectate
live friday 17.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 16 7/8 Spectate
Game time 4 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 15 7/8 Spectate
Friendly Regular Open to all game 5/6 Spectate
3p fast draft 2/3 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... draft, faceless, pm votable 7/8 Spectate
classic live game 4 Spectate
Game time 4 Spectate
WinOrDie 6 Spectate
live random draft 3/4 Spectate
WINORDIE 5/6 Spectate
live draft 3 Spectate
WINORDIE 6 Spectate
Fast game 4 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 4/8 Spectate
… 3/4 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 utc ... all votable 7/8 Spectate
live saturday 17.00 server time... draft, faceless, pm votable 7/8 Spectate
6p draft 4/6 Spectate
3p draft now 3/4 Spectate
live thursday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
Live 3/4 Spectate
live friday around start 17.00 utc 8 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 5/8 Spectate
live monday 18.00 server time. 8 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
live friday 18.00 server time... all votable 6/8 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 6 Spectate
6 player base game 5/6 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 3/6 Spectate
6p draft no dragons 5/6 Spectate
4p now 4/6 Spectate
live now 7 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start at 15 utc 6 Spectate
WINORDIE 6 Spectate