
Last activity 3 minutes ago
Joined on Nov 26, 2022
Ongoing games 9
Finished games 96
Won games 14
Win rate 14.6 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
fast live any settings 4 Spectate
4p crows random draft 4 Spectate
4p crows thematic draft 4 Spectate
4p crows +aDwD 4 Spectate
Ongoing teste 4 Spectate
Ongoing teste 8 Spectate
Ongoing Arenas de Meeren 7/8 Spectate
Ongoing Dragon Warfare 8 Spectate
Ongoing Dragon Warfare (Every House Gets a Lizard) 8 Spectate
Ongoing Dragon Warfare (Every House Gets a Lizard) 8 Spectate
Ongoing Seven hells 6 Spectate
Ongoing 1 7 Spectate
Live 4 Spectate
Dolorous Eddard Stark: 6p Draft, Random Positions, Bank 6 Spectate
Mother of Dragons 6/8 Spectate
for fun 4 Spectate
eueueue 4/6 Spectate
live random draft 6 Spectate
We do not saw 4 Spectate
live random draft 4 Spectate
live now 6 Spectate
8p custom 8 Spectate
winter is coming 6 Spectate
6p base 6 Spectate
Live 6p base game 5/6 Spectate
Rumble 4 Spectate
live thursday 17.00 westerosi time... all votable 8 Spectate
Gabriel 5 Spectate
6p standard faceless, < 24 hour response time 6 Spectate
Fandom 6/8 Spectate
ADwD vanilla, max 24h turn time 6 Spectate
AFfC, Dragon War 2, max 24h for player's turn 4 Spectate
3 player with vassals 3/7 Spectate
Ongoing House Card Draft 8 Spectate
live game mother of dragons normal 7/8 Spectate
G 7/8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 69- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
21:00 server time game 6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 68- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
4p fast 2/4 Spectate
DRAFT, low tides + premust 8 Spectate
Tides, Targaryen, and the Iron Bank 8 Spectate
Join 5/8 Spectate
TheSun_YA 5 Spectate
DWD - Volume 2 (fast players only) 6 Spectate
Random draft dragon mood 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 18 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 17 8 Spectate
Game of Thrones 5 8 Spectate
Georgian GOT 3/6 Spectate
Standard 6 man GOT 5/6 Spectate
The Randomizer 82: RandomRok 6 Spectate
The Randomizer 81: Eighty-First Class 6 Spectate
The Randomizer 80: The Last Stand 5/6 Spectate
The Randomizer 79: 79th Blood 6 Spectate
Leleo 6/8 Spectate
Siekier 6/8 Spectate
got 7/8 Spectate
MoD + Cards Evolution + House Choose 7/8 Spectate
Mother of Dragons House Choose 6/8 Spectate
khiem viet nam 5/6 Spectate
The Randomizer 78: Random Balboa 6 Spectate
asmode 8 Spectate
Mother of Dragons 8 Spectate
OG PBEM 6 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 9 8 Spectate
Base game, random houses and free for everybody. Please, at least 1 move/day, thx! 6 Spectate
Let's feast ! 4 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 38 - Fast MoD, ART<2, Games>5, DRAFT 8 Spectate
We are all blind 7 Spectate
Random location and the beloved tides 8 Spectate
3p Fast Live game 3 Spectate
Sunday Fast live game. Starts 15:00 Server time 4 Spectate
3p fast game 1/3 Spectate
Fast 6p game classic , Start As soon as we can 6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 34 - Fast MoD, ART<2, Games>5, DRAFT 7/8 Spectate
live wednesday around 18.15 utc 6 Spectate
Live thursday 18:00 server time... Famine, evolution and premuster 6 Spectate
winds of winter 8 Spectate
Winter is coming 3/4 Spectate
Fast game join 5/6 Spectate
live fog of war 17:00 6 Spectate
Fast game join 6 Spectate
Valar Morghulis 5 Spectate
We do not saw 6/7 Spectate
7p game 7 Spectate
zrs 6 Spectate
Private Game: Polyphagic Crows 4 Spectate
uKumunakuKu 5/6 Spectate
The Randomizer 67: Salvation 6 Spectate
ADWD classic 5/6 Spectate
The Randomizer 57: Part Deux 6 Spectate
The Randomizer 56: Fluky Road 5/6 Spectate
The Randomizer 55: The Good, The Bad and The Random 6 Spectate
The Randomizer 54: From Russia with Luck 6 Spectate
The Randomizer 53: Finding Disorderly 6 Spectate
Tides of battles are for kids vol. 2 7/8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 4 6/8 Spectate
vassal start postions 5/7 Spectate
The Randomizer 41: The Random Ultimatum 6 Spectate
Alla mot krus 5 Spectate
The Randomizer 40: The Random Supremacy 6 Spectate
Does anyone need an extra player 8 Spectate
Fast 2P Duel 2 Spectate
Р 7/8 Spectate
GoT 4 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
live random draft 4 Spectate
Mommy 6 Spectate
3p fast 3 Spectate
live wednesday around 18.00 server time ... all votable 7 Spectate
standard online game 1/6 Spectate
teste 2/8 Spectate
test 2/8 Spectate
teste 1/8 Spectate
cuteone 2/8 Spectate