
Last activity 37 minutes ago
Joined on Jul 15, 2024
Ongoing games 4
Finished games 31
Won games 5
Win rate 16.1 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
fast live 4p 3/4 Spectate
4p crows 4 Spectate
Ongoing Дурка 6 Spectate
On the last light of the 6th day 5/6 Spectate
Ongoing Where do whores go 6 Spectate
Crows 4 Spectate
Game. Live. Join us. 2 3/6 Spectate
Game. Live. Join us. 1/5 Spectate
Ongoing Let's fuck 6 Spectate
live game for 9;30 server time 6 Spectate
Ongoing Big Mommy 8 Spectate
Six players random 6 Spectate
Dance 6 Spectate
IB, dragons, cards evolution 6 Spectate
Thematic draft 6 Spectate
Эволюция эволюции 6 Spectate
PBEM dragon war 6 Spectate
Live_gangbang 2/4 Spectate
Six player game 6 Spectate
Финал Тормозного железа 4 Spectate
Rains of Autumn 6 Spectate
Рой vs Тормоза 4 Spectate
ggot 6 Spectate
Storm of Swords 6 Spectate
Тормоз vs Лев и волк 4 Spectate
Тормоз vs Должники 4 Spectate
vanilla 6 Spectate
Mother of Draft 8 Spectate
North remembers 4 Spectate
Тормоз тоже педаль VS. Iron Victory 4 Spectate
The Black Dread 6 Spectate
Old School Classic 6 Spectate
Рандомимся 2.0 6 Spectate
вашу маму и тут и там 8 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
live(6) 6 Spectate
Рандомимся 6 Spectate