
Last activity 7 minutes ago
Joined on Dec 16, 2023
Ongoing games 1
Finished games 53
Won games 27
Win rate 50.9 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Ongoing Aegon the Unlikely 6 Spectate
Keep playing 6 Spectate
Training 1.1 6 Spectate
Private tournament game 11.01 6 Spectate
Training 6 Spectate
Random draft, private game 6 Spectate
Мать драконов 7/8 Spectate
Just classic 6 Spectate
Birthday Party 6/7 Spectate
Дурка 6 Spectate
aDWD 6 Spectate
Where do whores go 6 Spectate
Crows 4 Spectate
Live Saturday 9:00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
Big Mommy 8 Spectate
4p crows 4 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 4 Spectate
live wednesday 18.00 server time... all votable 6/7 Spectate
Six players random 6 Spectate
The Prancing Pony 4/6 Spectate
Thematic draft 6 Spectate
Эволюция эволюции 6 Spectate
PBEM dragon war 6 Spectate
Финал Тормозного железа 4 Spectate
Rains of Autumn 6 Spectate
Iron Victory VS Орден почитателей Вариса 4 Spectate
Roy vs Iron Victory 4 Spectate
Iron Victory VS. Волк и Лев 4 Spectate
Mother of Draft 8 Spectate
North remembers 4 Spectate
Тормоз тоже педаль VS. Iron Victory 4 Spectate
The Black Dread 6 Spectate
Old School Classic 6 Spectate
Рандомимся 2.0 6 Spectate
вашу маму и тут и там 8 Spectate
Daario Naharis 8 Spectate
токийский драфт 6 Spectate
The wars to come 6 Spectate
Great-mother 8 Spectate
The Maid of Tarth 6 Spectate
Стратеги 6 Spectate
Valar Morgulis 6 Spectate
Пир номер три 4 Spectate
Любим мать 7/8 Spectate
The Rains of Dota 6 Spectate
A Game of Thorns. Private game 7 Spectate
Черно-белый Дом 6 Spectate
Silent raven with sword 6 Spectate
Пир для Воронов 4 Spectate
Долгая Ночь 6 Spectate
Rains of autumn 6 Spectate
Искры над пеплом 6 Spectate
Third and and old mother 6 Spectate
Разведка боем 6 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
grandma test 2 Spectate
Плаки плаки 2 Spectate
Плаки плаки 2 Spectate
Рандомимся 6 Spectate
A Game of Thorns. Private game. Draft. 7 Spectate
Private game. 2x2. Faceless men 4 Spectate