
Last activity 32 minutes ago
Joined on Aug 07, 2024
Ongoing games 27
Finished games 11
Won games 3
Win rate 27.3 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Open 4 players with vassals 2/8 Spectate
Open 3 player with vassals 2/7 Spectate
Ongoing Game fast 24h.max time dragons and draft 8 Spectate
Ongoing Jack Spicer’s half arsed temple assault 6 Spectate
Ongoing muster 8p 24h thematic draft 8 Spectate
Ongoing Hurley my Shawty 6 Spectate
Ongoing Lets do this 8 Spectate
Ongoing Mummer's Farce: Thematic, Map Draft, Low Tides 7 Spectate
Ongoing ADwD, Dragon War 3 and Fog of War, max 24h waiting for player 6 Spectate
Ongoing Shadows Over Westeros 8 Spectate
AFfC, Dragon War 3, max 24h for player's turn 4 Spectate
Ongoing live random draft 8 Spectate
3p game and Dragon War and random draft cards, max 24h for player's turn 3 Spectate
Ongoing Lord of Bones | MoD 8 Spectate
3 player with vassals 3/7 Spectate
Ongoing 6p thematic draft 6 Spectate
Ongoing Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 20 8 Spectate
Ongoing Dragon war 6 Spectate
Ongoing Endless game 6 Spectate
Struggle in the North 4p and Dragon War, max 24h for player's turn 4 Spectate
3p game and Dragon War, nax 24h for player's turn 3 Spectate
Ongoing 7p and Dragon War, max 24h for player's turn 7 Spectate
Ongoing MoD with vassals and Dragon War, max 24h for player's turn 6/8 Spectate
6p standard faceless, < 24 hour response time 6 Spectate
Ongoing Fandom 6/8 Spectate
ADwD vanilla, max 24h turn time 6 Spectate
No Kraken for dinner 2, Dragon war, max 24 h waiting time 5 Spectate
ADwD, Dragon War 2, max 24h waiting for player 6 Spectate
Ongoing House Card Draft 8 Spectate
Ongoing Mother of Dragons standard 7/8 Spectate
Ongoing GGot 6 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 69- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Ongoing Fandom without Thom😱 booo Tyrell 8 Spectate
Mother of Dragons - Fast players only - 2 7/8 Spectate
Ongoing yyy 7/8 Spectate
Ongoing House Card Draft 8p 8 Spectate
Ongoing prova 8 Spectate
Ongoing Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 17 8 Spectate
Ongoing A Butcher variant Dragon war MoD, max 24 hours waiting time 8 Spectate
Game of Thrones 7/8 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
8p dragon 7 Spectate