
Last activity 11Β minutes ago
Joined on Apr 27, 2021
Ongoing games 1
Finished games 69
Won games 28
Win rate 40.6 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G4 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G1 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G3 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G2 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G6 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G1 4 Spectate
live friday 18.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G5 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G2 8 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G7 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G4 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G5 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G4 6 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G10 4 Spectate
πŸ† Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G1 4 Spectate
No Kraken for dinner 3p + 2 vassals, Dragon war, max 24 h waiting time 3/5 Spectate
live sunday 18.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
No Kraken for dinner 3p + 2 vassals, Dragon war, max 24 h waiting time 3/5 Spectate
live game :)) 5/8 Spectate
Thursday ffc thematic fast 2 4 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
4p rewind 3 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
Live..gang..bang 6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
A Dance with Mother of Dragons, ART<4h, 240926 7/8 Spectate
Live game - Win or Die - Draft game 6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 2/6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 5 Spectate
Fast Paced Small Council Game 3/4 Spectate
Secret Mission Bullet 3/4 Spectate
Late Night Secret Mission 4 Spectate
Experiment 3/4 Spectate
Jack Spicer’s half arsed temple assault 6 Spectate
The Bloody Saturday of TB 5/6 Spectate
New Dawn of Westeros 5/6 Spectate
Another Sunday Madness 5/6 Spectate
TB Core Team 1/3 Spectate
War of the Five Kings 5/6 Spectate
Late Night Madness 4 Spectate
Night Crawlers 3 Spectate
First Steps of Joseph 4 Spectate
Sunday Funday Madness 3 Spectate
TB Second Game 4 Spectate
Bedo Trainee 3 Spectate
Ongoing Vanilla 7 player 5/7 Spectate
Super spicy MoD II - 2 Vassals, Faceless, Blind draft, Mixed WD1, Custom ToB, Random start positions (Avg Response < 6h) 6/8 Spectate
Super spicy MoD - Faceless, Blind draft, Mixed WD1, Custom ToB, Random start positions (Avg Response < 6h) 5/8 Spectate
Total chaos, quick game ;) 6/8 Spectate
Live game starts at 13:00 GMT 6/8 Spectate
Get your ballistas in position! First public Dragon Beta! 8 Spectate
Limited Champions yet Endless War 3/6 Spectate
Big Dick Draft Game 6 Spectate
Spring never comes - Live 5/7 Spectate
Another one 6/7 Spectate
Look around you. We're all liars here. (5p2v) 6/7 Spectate
Endless PBEM 🀯 5/7 Spectate
Valyrian Cup Game 01 5/6 Spectate
3 6/7 Spectate
Simultaneously Thematic Drafting 5/7 Spectate
7P Thematic Draft 5/7 Spectate
Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. 5/7 Spectate
YL 6/7 Spectate
MoD+Tides of Battle 6/7 Spectate
Dancing with Eagles (Dance+Arryn) 5/7 Spectate
Open Game Europe Time 1st May 6 Spectate
PBEM 6ppl fast pls random 5/6 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
live draft 4/6 Spectate
Test2 3/2 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
TB Core Team 3 Spectate
TB First Game 4 Spectate
Westerosi madness 7/8 Spectate
MOD random draft 8 Spectate
War of the Nine Pennykings 7 Spectate
Live Game Starts at 13:00 GMT on 15/08/21 5/7 Spectate
Don't fight in the North or the South. Fight every battle, everywhere, always, in your mind. 6/7 Spectate
LIVE 3 or 4 Player Game... 4 Spectate
Europe Time Zone AGOT, PBEM, at least 1/day presence 5/6 Spectate
Board Game Geeks 6 Spectate