
Last activity an hour ago
Joined on Mar 09, 2024
Ongoing games 8
Finished games 282
Won games 56
Win rate 19.9 %
Average PBEM
response time


Name Players
Live game 5/6 Spectate
Thursday Live game - All votable 6 Spectate
Live game now 4 Spectate
Classic 6p 6 Spectate
Afterstorms - Live game All votable 3/4 Spectate
LIVE fast game for fun #2 4 Spectate
Ongoing Dance with Mother of Dragons 8p random houses 8 Spectate
6p FAST Live Random Draft without private chats 6 Spectate
6p Cards Evolution 5/6 Spectate
6p Live Random Draft without private chats 5/6 Spectate
Tuesday live game starts ASAP 6 Spectate
live tuesday 18.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
Monday fight - Live game all votable 6 Spectate
Win or die - Monday Live game 6 Spectate
Win or Die - Wednesday Live game Start when full 6p or 8p 6 Spectate
Live game 3/4 Spectate
$25 - Frame of Thrones 4 FINALE 6 Spectate
Ongoing Game of Thrones 81 - Dance with Mother of dragons 8 Spectate
Win or die - Live game starting 15h30 Westeros time 6 Spectate
Win or Die - Monday live game 6 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 94- Fast MoD, ART<2, THEMATIC DRAFT 8 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 92- Fast MoD, ART<2 8 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 91- Fast MoD, ART<2, LIMITED DRAFT 8 Spectate
Ongoing SPEED OF LIGHT 90- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Win or die 2 - Live game 4 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 4 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, Finals, 2nd Ed G4 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, Finals, 2nd Ed G3 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, Finals, 2nd Ed G2 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, Finals, 2nd Ed G1 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, Finals, ADWD G2 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, Finals, ADWD G1 6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or die - restart 6 Spectate
Win or die - restart 6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 3/4 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 3/6 Spectate
Ongoing New Year Thematic Draft 7/8 Spectate
Classic 6 p 6 Spectate
live now 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 85- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 84- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
4 Player Live Game 4 Spectate
Live, draft, IB 4 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G3 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, 2nd Edition G2 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G4 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, ADWD G1 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G4 4 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 2nd Round, Tier 1, AFFC G2 4 Spectate
live tuesday 18.00 server time... all votable 8 Spectate
Live game - Win or die 4 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 4/6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 4/6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or di -Live game 4 Spectate
Frame of Thrones 4 | Round 1 -- Match 3 5/6 Spectate
Live now 6 Spectate
Live 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live Game 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 6 Spectate
Live 3/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Dragon - Live gamr 3/4 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G4 8 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, MoD G3 8 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G5 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, 2nd Edition G4 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G7 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, ADWD G1 6 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G12 4 Spectate
🏆 Crows and Dragons Tourney 3, 1st Round, AFFC G1 4 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 4 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 6 Spectate
friday game 6 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
Live..gang..bang 6 Spectate
2 Player game XII 3/6 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
2 Player game XI 2 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 3/6 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 26 7/8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 25 7/8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 24 6/8 Spectate
Live game - Win or Die - Draft game 3/4 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 82- Fast MoD, ART<2 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 80- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 79- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 78- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 77- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
ADwD: A Draft with Dragons (without Dragons) 6 Spectate
Draft and Tides, 7 players no Dragons 7 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 6 Spectate
Game Of Thrones 8 Spectate
Win Or Die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 6 Spectate
Win Or die - Live game 5/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game 4 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 4 Spectate
Win Or Die - Live game 4/6 Spectate
Win or Die - Live game - Draft - IB- Dragon 4 Spectate
live thursday 17.00westerosi time... all votable 5/6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 4/6 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 server time... all votable 5/6 Spectate
Live - Draft - Dragon - IB 5/6 Spectate
Live - draft 4/6 Spectate
Live - Dragon - Draft - IR 4 Spectate
Live game - Draft -IB - DRAGON 4 Spectate
winter is coming 6 Spectate
Live game - Draft 3/6 Spectate
Live draft 4/6 Spectate
ХУЯРЮ 8 Spectate
live random draft 7/8 Spectate
Ongoing live random draft 8 Spectate
Classic/draft 6p 6 Spectate
Live 6p base game 5/6 Spectate
live tuesday 17.00 server time... all votable 6/8 Spectate
live now 7/8 Spectate
Live - Dragon - Iron Banks - Dragon 6 Spectate
7p and Dragon War, max 24h for player's turn 7 Spectate
Live - draft - dragon - IB 3/4 Spectate
6p classic 6 Spectate
Live - IB - Draft - Dragon 6 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 6 Spectate
Live game - Dragon - IB - Draft (votable) 3/4 Spectate
6p dance 6 Spectate
4p feast 4 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 69- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
3p draft fast 3 Spectate
3p draft fast 3 Spectate
Mother of Dragons - Fast players only - 3 8 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 westerosi time... all votable 5/8 Spectate
another game II 5/6 Spectate
field of honor [hemmi] 3/4 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 71- Fast MoD&Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 70- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 68- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 67- Fast Dragons, ART<2, DRAFT 6 Spectate
Classic 6p 5/6 Spectate
Voice Chat Only - Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 3/4 Spectate
prova 7/8 Spectate
17:30 Live - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank 6 Spectate
Live Draft 4/6 Spectate
AFfC, Dragon War, max 24h for player's turn 4 Spectate
Dragon , draft ,18:50 4 Spectate
6p dragon draft 6 Spectate
A Dance with MoD, Dragon war, max 24 h waiting time 8 Spectate
18:45 - Live - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank 5/6 Spectate
House card draft 7/8 Spectate
Dragon draft fast only 3/4 Spectate
Live - Draft - Dragon - IB 5/6 Spectate
Live - Draft - dragon - IB 5/6 Spectate
Random draft dragon mood 8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 18 8 Spectate
Live game - server time 17:15 4/8 Spectate
Live - Draft - Dragon - IB 4 Spectate
Live - Draft- Dragon - IB 5/6 Spectate
Live game - Dragon - Draft- IB 4 Spectate
A Butcher variant Dragon war MoD, max 24 hours waiting time 6/8 Spectate
quick game 4 Spectate
Game of Thrones 3 8 Spectate
Mother of Dragons + Tides 7/8 Spectate
live now 5/6 Spectate
draft 4 Spectate
Game of Thrones 2 8 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 4/5 Spectate
Live, draft, dragon, RIP Meleys :( 3/4 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank - Server Time 17:00 4/6 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 6 Spectate
Let's fog again 5/6 Spectate
Small quick draft game 3 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 18.00 UTC start 6 Spectate
Live game, IB, Dragon, votable draft 4 Spectate
6p draft dragons 4 Spectate
Live draft, dragon, IB 4 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 6 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 4 Spectate
Live Draft, Bank, dragon, no tides 5/6 Spectate
4 Player Dragons! 4 Spectate
Live 6p Iron Bank dragon and draft 5/6 Spectate
7 player Dragon War thematic draft w/ bank 6/7 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 6 Spectate
Game 7 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 6 Spectate
HenrytheEighth 5/8 Spectate
Mod, Tob, Dragon War 8 Spectate
Live, 4p, draft,dragon, Iron bank 4/5 Spectate
4 Player Live Game 2/4 Spectate
4p classic plus dragons 4 Spectate
Live 4 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 5/6 Spectate
Game of Thrones 67 - Dance with Mother of dragons 8 Spectate
dragon draft 3/6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 6 Spectate
Quick dragon game 4 Spectate
Live game Dragon mode with Draft 4/6 Spectate
OURS IS THE FURY 6/8 Spectate
Total War | ToB 8 Spectate
Wazza's Dragon Mode 6p Draft 6 Spectate
6p normal draft 4 Spectate
Quick draft game 4/6 Spectate
Draft gaame 6 Spectate
Quick draft game 4 or 6 4 Spectate
A Dance With Dragons 2 6 Spectate
quick 4 players 8 Spectate
Live4or6draft on 6 Spectate
Livegame 4 Spectate
LIve6players 3/6 Spectate
Livegamedraft 5/6 Spectate
8p MoD Expansion - Saturday LIVE - Starts Server time 14:30 7/8 Spectate
Classic 6p or 8p game starts at 13.00 server time, no tides, no draft 8 Spectate
WinOrDie 4/6 Spectate
Open Game #22: Dance With Mother of Dragons 7/8 Spectate
6players,draft,notides 5/6 Spectate
7 player thematic draft 6/7 Spectate
Live game freak 1/4 Spectate
Monday Game Start 14:30 4 Spectate
Dance 6 Spectate
hakounamatata1 6 Spectate
Start 9 pm CET 8 Spectate
hakounamatata1 6 Spectate
hakounamatata1 4 Spectate
New Game 5/6 Spectate
live 6or7 classic 5/6 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 15 7/8 Spectate
6playersrandomdraftandhouse 5/6 Spectate
Randomdraft 3 Spectate
3p draft fast 3 Spectate
Letsfight 4 Spectate
FridayFight 4/6 Spectate
live random draft 3/4 Spectate
Fast game 4 Spectate
WINORDIE 5/6 Spectate
Live game 6 Spectate
WINORDIE 6 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 4/8 Spectate
4p draft :) 1/6 Spectate
3 p fast ( 2- av pbem time ) TOB random draft 3 Spectate
live sunday 17.00 utc ... all votable 7/8 Spectate
live saturday 17.00 server time... draft, faceless, pm votable 7/8 Spectate
live random draft 5 Spectate
Fast game 4 Spectate
Start at 16:00 UTC 2/8 Spectate
Stanczyka5 8 Spectate
live random draft 4 Spectate
live thursday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
Live Draft 1/6 Spectate
Kyiv Open League Season 5 First Div G7 6 Spectate
Kyiv Open League Season 5 First Div G6 6 Spectate
Kyiv Open League Season 5 First Div G5 6 Spectate
Kyiv Open League Season 5 First Div G3 6 Spectate
Kyiv Open League Season 5 First Div G2 6 Spectate
Kyiv Open League Season 5 First Div G1 6 Spectate
7P battle royale 6/7 Spectate
live random draft 4 Spectate
4p draft 3 Spectate
3p draft 3 Spectate
4p draft 4 Spectate
NoLeavers 5/6 Spectate
live thursday 17.00 server time.. all votable 7/8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 14 8 Spectate
old 7/8 Spectate
7pl. Draft + tides 7 Spectate
3p draft now 3 Spectate
draft fast 3 Spectate
Game of Thrones 57 - Dance with Mother of dragons 8 Spectate
Game of Thrones 56 - Dance with Mother of dragons 8 Spectate
live random draft 3/4 Spectate
BGBers 8 is enough 6/8 Spectate
live wednesday 17.00 server time... all votable 5/8 Spectate
MoD as soon as full 7/8 Spectate
live game :)) 3 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time... all votable 6/8 Spectate
Game of Thrones 55 - Dance with Mother of dragons 8 Spectate
live game :)) 3/4 Spectate
live friday 18.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
live game :)) 3 Spectate
Open game: 8P MOD, Random Houses 8 Spectate
Quack Quack Fuck 5/8 Spectate
7P - thematic draft 5/7 Spectate
NoLeavers 7/8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 61- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 59- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 7/8 Spectate
No kraken for dinner 5 Spectate
MoD + Cards Evolution + House Choose 7/8 Spectate
Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell vol. 10 8 Spectate
gg 7/8 Spectate

Cancelled Games

Name Players
6p Live All Votable ! 6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 4 Spectate
live ASAP ... all votable 6 Spectate
Win or die - Live game 6 Spectate
8player ADWD house cards 8 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 6 Spectate
Win Or Die - Live game 6 Spectate
6p live now 4/6 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time... all votable 7/8 Spectate
4p now 4/6 Spectate
6p live 5/6 Spectate
SPEED OF LIGHT 69- Fast MoD, ART<2, DRAFT 8 Spectate
Friday Server time 17:00 Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start 4 Spectate
live monday 17.00 server time... all votable 6 Spectate
LIve, draft, dragon, Ironbank 4 Spectate
Live Game - Draft - Dragons - Iron Bank! 6 Spectate
Dragon Madness: 10 VP, 7 players, Draft Map, Dragons, No Dragon Revenge, Revolution, Famine 6/7 Spectate
4p, dragon war, iron bank, sea token and draft 4 Spectate
Classic 2 4/6 Spectate
6p draft & dragons 6 Spectate
6p draft with dragons start at 15 utc 6 Spectate
Wazza's LIVE - DRAFT - Dragons Mod! 5 Spectate
7 player thematic w/ bank 7 Spectate
reMatch 6 Spectate
live random draft 5/6 Spectate
WINORDIE 6 Spectate
hakounamatata1 6 Spectate
hakounamatata1 4/6 Spectate
live monday 17.00 utc ... all votable 4/8 Spectate
3 live 3/7 Spectate
Nane 6/8 Spectate