159 active games

An update on Swords and Ravens

22 March 2021

These past few months have seen the introduction of 2 major features to Swords and Ravens: the Dance of Dragons expansion (courtesy of mmasztalerczuk and Gereon), and the Vassal feature from Mother of Dragons (courtesy of Gereon). You can now create a game and toggle these features to test them out! Remember though that they are still in Beta, and that bugs might still happen.

This month also marks the 1-year anniversary of S&R! More than 1400 games have been played up until now, and the platform draws around active 300 players every day. 🎉

If you've monitored the activity of the GitHub repository, you might have noticed that I, Longwelwind, have not actively contributed to the project for a few months now. Indeed, while I greatly enjoyed coding S&R at first, my time and my motivation for the project diminished over time, and I'm now at a point where I'd like to move on to other projects. I've handed the keys to the kingdoms (i.e. admin rights to the production server) to Gereon, who has been contributing to the project since its beginning and to whom we can thank for all the recent additions to the platform.

As for me, I'm not done with online board games! I've learned a lot while developping S&R, and I'm currently experimenting on Ravens, a library that would allow anyone with coding skills to develop their own online-multiplayer board game. While it's still in the prototype phase at the moment, I hope I'll have a working beta for those who are interested.

Swords and Ravens after 2 months: some numbers and what's to come!

20 May 2020

Swords and Ravens launched 2 months ago, and a lot of things have happened since then. 1416 users registered and more than 500 games have been played to completion!

The game also evolved a lot since launch: variants for games with less than 6 players have appeared, a forum has been added to discuss everything about the game, a lot of UI improvements were made and a ton of bugs have been squashed. Around 800 commits were made on the codebase, available on GitHub, some of them done by external contributors. All the changes done can be found in the changelog.

The forum has been launched, to discuss everything related to the game and the development of Swords and Ravens, don't hesitate to check it out!

It's not over, obviously. The Vassals mechanic, which appeared in the MoD extension, is progressing and will be playable in the coming months. Multiple other meta-game features such as abuse reports, player statistics and localization are also planned, and should be available once I find the time to work on them. 😛

Thanks to all the players who made this possible, and I hope S&R will allow many more games to be played!

Welcome to Swords and Ravens!

14 March 2020

Swords and Ravens is a platform to play the board game "A Game of Thrones: Board Game - Second Edition", edited by Fantasy Flight Games, online with players around the world!

At the moment, this website only features the base game. Extensions (with Mother of Dragons) are currently planned to be implemented.

Feedbacks, bug reports and other remarks can also be posted on the Discord! The source code can be found on the Github of the project.